Neljapäev 28. märts 2024
Solarise keskus 
12.00 -19.00

Tähistamaks esmakordselt Eestis Üleilmset Klaveripäeva, esitavad 20 kontsertpianisti (ka autor) vaheldumisi ja katkematult Rein Rannapi klaveripala “Pilvelossid”


Peep Lassmann, Johan Randvere, Tähe-Lee Liiv, Sten Heinoja, Matti Reimann, Age Juurikas, Marko Martin, Lauri Väinmaa, Kristi Kapten, Mihkel Mattisen, Joel Remmel, Kadri-Ann Sumera, Matti Mikalai, Kai Ratassepp, Auli Lonks-Teppo, Jorma Toots, Andre Hinn, Jakob Teppo, Maksim Štšura, Rein Rannap

Tallinn Muusikalinn, Eesti Interpreetide Liit, Kultuurkapital, Delfi, Solaris


R 22. märts kell 19:00
Lüdigi saal Vändras
RAM ja Rannap
Rannapi laulud

Eesti Rahvusmeeskoor ja Rein Rannap esitavad Rannapi laule

Loe lisa …

Esinemine Vabariigi aastapäeva kontserdil

24. veebruar 2024

soolokontserdid Austraalias

Klaverikontserdid Austraalias
jaanuar-veebruar 2024:

27.01 Brisbane, Läti Maja

2. ja 3.02 Sydney, Eesti maja

9.02 Melbourne, Eesti maja

16.02 Perth, St. Hilda chapel, Peppermint Grove


Soolokontsert „Kahekesi klaveriga“

3. detsember 2023, Vasalemma loss

Omanäoline ja isikupärane pianist Rein Rannap kohtub Vasalemma lossis klaveriga, et kahekesi paitada publiku kõrvu mahedate ja rahulike, aga kohati ka tantsisklevate klaveripaladega. Pühapäevapärastlõunal kutsub Rein Rannap imelisse lossi saali kohtuma tõsise ja kergema muusika ning sulatab need publiku silme all kokku meeleolukaks klaverikontserdiks. 

Rein Rannapi autorikontsert kammermuusikast

25. november 2023, EMTA suur saal

Korraldaja: Eesti Interpreetide Liit

Uue albumi esitluskontsert

laupäeval, 28.-l oktoobril, kell 19.00,

Tallinna Kinomajas (Uus tn 3)

Ilmus Rein Rannapi plaat Ajasõlmed / Time Knots, mis on salvestatud 10-l erineval klahvpillil 10-s erinevas kohas. Album on saadaval nii CD kui LP kujul.

Esitluskontserdil musitseerib Rannap viiel naturaalsel ja ühel elektrilisel klahvpillil.

Pillid esitluskontserdi laval on: klaver, ettevalmistatud ehk prepareeritud klaver, tšelesta, klavessiin, harmoonium ja süntesaator. Prepareeritud klaveri sisemus – kõik, mis on keelte vahele pandud ja mis seal toimub, on kenasti jälgitav ekraanilt.

Kuivõrd isegi Rannapil jätkub käsi korraga vaid ühe-kahe pilli jaoks, siis juba mängitud helide taasesitamisel on abiks luuper ja arvuti. Need luubid (inglise keeles „loop” – aas või silmus) ehk korduvad motiivid ongi kui ajakangasse kootud sõlmed. Sellest ka plaadi pealkiri – „Ajasõlmed“.

Enamiku plaadi lugudest kirjutas Rannap eelmise aasta suvetuuriks „Klaver tuleb külla 25“. Nüüdseks on neid edasi arendatud ja lisatud uusi pille ning helikihte.

Esitluskontserdil saab osta albumit nii CD kui vinüüli kujul, samuti Rannapi varasemaid plaate, ning loomulikult võtta neile pärast kontserti kunstnikult autogrammi.

Rein Rannapi autorikontsert “MINU MUUSIKA”

R 13.10.23 Pärnu kontserdimaja

L 14.10.23 Estonia kontserdisaal

P 15.10.23 Vanemuise kontserdimaja

Tütarlastekoor Ellerhein
Eesti Rahvusmeeskoor
Mari Kalkun laul
Riivo Kallasmaa oboe
Piibe Maria Talen klahvpillid
Rein Rannap klahvpillid
Kammerorkester Kristjan Järvi Ensemble
Dirigent Kristjan Järvi

Kantaat „Kuu“ segakoorile ja kammerorkestrile (2018), tekst: Kristjan Jaak Peterson
„Mari oli mammu“ segakoorile ja keelpilliorkestrile (2016/2018), tekst: eesti rahvaluule
„Kõik mu päevad“ laulukogumist „Hingelinnud“ (2010–2011), tekst: Indrek Hirv
Lühikantaat „Sinu silmade sinimustvalge“ (2009), tekst: Indrek Hirv
„Ave Maria“ (2012)
„Sinamu“ rokk-kantaadist „Taevas ja maa“ (2009), tekst: Hando Runnel
„Concerto grosso in un movimento“ (1981/2023)
„Cantus Borealis“ solistile, segakoorile ja orkestrile (2023, esiettekanne)

Rein Rannapi autorikontserdid on omamoodi jätkuks viis aastat tagasi toimunud ülimenukale kontserdile „50 aastat suurel laval“. Kui toona kõlasid põhiliselt Rannapi tuntumad poplood armastatud lauljate ettekandes, siis seekord on esinejateks klassikalise tagapõhjaga parimad muusikud. Laval on Ellerhein ja Eesti Rahvusmeeskoor, orkester, hulk löök- ja klahvpille – kokku üle saja muusiku, keda kõiki hoiab koos erakordne dirigent Kristjan Järvi. Loomulikult on oma muusikat esitamas ka Rein Rannap ise. Kogu kontsert on rannaplikult mitmekesine ja põhjalikult planeeritud. Kava haripunktiks on kahtlemata uue pikema teose „Cantus Borealis” esiettekanne, mille kõrval kõlavad mitmed Rannapi varasemad teosed koorile ja orkestrile.

Tallinna Kammermuusika Festival

Resideeruv helilooja Rein Rannap

27. august 2023, Mustpeade Maja

30. august 2023, Mustpeade Maja

Eluring / Life Cycle
Variatsioonid kahele keelpillikvartetile
Uudisteose esituse jaoks on valminud videofilm, mis visualiseerib inimese elukaart sünnist surmani. Video loojad on Taavi Varm ja Valdek Laur. Vaata videot ja kuula muusikat siit:

“Cantilena” viiulile ja orkestrile
solist Anna-Liisa Bezrodny

Ott Lepland ja Rannap


11. august 2023 kell 21.00
HAUKA LAAT, Antsla augulava

 „Jazzist viidud“
Maarja ja Rannap ansambliga


16. juuni 2023 kell 20:00

Kaunid laulud – “Nii vaikseks kõik on jäänud”, “Raagus sõnad”, “Vana vaksal”, “Rahu”, “Eesti muld ja Eesti süda”, “Keegi tulla võib” jt. tulevad esitusele ka Sõru Jazzil, seekord taas värskekõlalistena, sest lisaks pianisti uutele seadetele on kaasatud ka vilunud jazzmuusikud – Paul Daniel kitarridel, Martin-Eero Kõressaar kontrabassil ning Reigo Ahven trummidel. Lisades siia Maarja vankumatu stoilisuse ning Rannapi tundelise pöörasuse, tõotab see kontsert lisaks tuttavlikkusele läbi laulude, ka erinevate värvikate isiksuste koosmängu.

Maarja – vokaal
Rein Rannap – klahvpillid
Martin-Eero Kõressaar – kontrabass
Paul Daniel – kitarrid
Reigo Ahven – trummid

Loe lisa kaunismuusika.ee

Eesti Rahvusmeeskoor:  Raagus sõnad
Rein Rannapi laulud


04. mai 2023 kell 19:00

06. mai 2023 kell 19:00

Rein Rannapi Ruja-aegsete laulude kooriseaded esiettekandes

Eesti Rahvusmeeskoor
Dirigent Mikk Üleoja

Loe lisa Eesti Kontserdi ajakirjast Aplaus /kevad 2023

Maarja ja Rannap – Eesti Vabariigi aastapäeva kontsertaktus


18. veebruaril 2023

“Kosmoseturisti blogi” Eesti Laulu finaalsaates


11. veebruaril 2023

Rein Rannap esitles Eesti Laulu finaalis ainulaadset “Kosmoseturisti blogi”

Loe lisa …

Rein Rannapi laulude kontsert “Ilus maa”


2.veebruaril 2023, kell 19.00

Viimsi Artium

Tartu rahu 103.

Ettekandele tulid laulud Rein Rannapi loomingust ning kantaadid “Ilus maa” ja “Sini-must-valge”. Solist Kristjan Kannukene.

Loe lisa ...



Uute lastelaulude esiettekanne ja varasemad lastelaulud


4. detsembril 2022, kell 16.00
Võru kultuurikeskuses 

13. detsembril kell 19.00
EMTA suures saalis

Eesti Raadio Laulustuudio ettevalmistuskoor, mudilaskoor, lastekoor, tütarlastekoor ja solistid
Dirigendid: Kadri Hunt ja Kaie Tanner
Klaveril Rein Rannap

Tromboonikontserdi esiettekanne


6. novembril 2022, kell 16.00
Rakvere Vabaduse kooli saalis 

7. novembril 2022, kell 19.00
Tallinna Mustpeade Majas

Virumaa Kammerorkester Toivo Peäske juhatusel,
solist Teno Kongi



23.07 Tuletorni kontsert Rannapungerjal
28.07 Tartu ERMi suvelava
31.07 Kuressaare Arensburgi hotelli terrass
09.08 Lihula Kultuurimaja
14.08 Keila-Joa park
15.08 Kohila, Õunaaiapiknik
19.08 Jõhvi park
25.08 Kohtla-Järve rahvapark

Uus kava Rannapi tuntuimatest lauludest jazzistiilis
Maarja, Rannap & jazz group: Rannap’s songs in jazz style

Read more …

Jazzist viidud
Maarja, Rannap & jazz group: Rannap’s songs in jazz style

kontsert koos Tšellopoistega


Juuli 2022

Tšellopoisid ja sõbrad – “Õhtunägemus” (feat. Rein Rannap & Silver Piiroja)

Tšellopoisid ja sõbrad – “Õhtunägemus” (feat. Rein Rannap & Silver Piiroja)

Klaver tuleb külla 25


„Klaver tuleb külla 25“
Rannap’s concert tour in Estonian churches:
Composer and performer: Rannap

7.-21.Juuni 2022

Kontserdil kuuleb põhiliselt Rannapi popmuusika laadis loomingut: enamuse kavast täidavad parimad palad varasematelt tuuridelt, alates Rannapi populaarseimast klaveriloost  „Tantsib klaveril“ kõige esimeselt tuurilt. Edasi – „Päikeseklaver“, „Laps vaatab tähistaevast“, „Kellade juubeldamine“ jt.

Read more about “Klaver tuleb külla” tour

Rein Rannap. Klaver tuleb viimast korda külla 25!



April 30th, 2022 at 19.00
Paide Muusika- ja Teatrimaja, Pärnu 18

Rannap’s cantatas “Ilus maa” & “Sinu silmade sinimustvalge” and other works

Read more …


Trio for violin, cello and piano 


April 17th 2022 –
Tartu Ülikooli Muuseum

First performance of Rannap’s Trio for violin, cello and piano (2021-2022)

Eesti Muusika Päevad

Read more …

🎵 KUULA Klassikaraadiost


“Ever & Forever


  • February 18th
    Saint Petersburg, Russia
  • February 19th
    Kohtla-Järve Gümnaasium
  • February 20th – Tartu
    Elleri Muusikakool
  • March 3rd – Dubai, UAE
    EXPO, Dubai Millennium Amphitheatre       

Upcoming concerts with the program „Ever & Forever“. 

Neo-romanticism on the piano with pre-recorded electronics and nature videos

Popi ja klassika keskel: helilooja ja pianist Rein Rannap kavaga “Ikka ja alati” Kohtla-Järve Gümnaasiumis

Read more about Expo Dubai 2022

Rein Rannap / Concert “Ever & Forever”

Rannap “RAHU


Veebruar 2022

Videosalvestus koos Tšellopoistega

Rannap: „Rahu“

Tšellopoisid & Rein Rannap – “Rahu”



World Music Days 2021 in China


„Corals“ – a piano-composition by Rannap – is submitted by Union of Composers of Estonia to the ISCM World Music Days 2021 in China (Shanghai & Nanning)

“Suudlus läbi raagus sõnade”

July 2021

SUMMER concert tour

17.07 Kasepää Song Celebration Grounds
21.07 Kõltsu courtyard
22.07 Vihula manor’s courtyard
23.07 Pärnu Villa Ammende courtyard
24.07 Asva Vikings’ Village at Saaremaa island
28.07 Viimsi Open Air Museum
29.07 Luke manor’s courtyard
30.07 Põltsamaa Castle’s courtyard

Summer concert tour “Suudlus läbi raagus sõnade” (A Kiss Through Bare Words)

In program: Rannap’s best known songs

Performers: singers Maarja-Liis Ilus & Marko Matvere, Rannap-Quartet
Composer on keyboards

„Contribution to Estonian Music“

January 28th 2021


Award „Contribution to Estonian Music“ for Rannap’s rock group Ruja
at Estonian Music Awards ceremony (live TV coverage)


“Ever & Forever”

October 1st – November 7th 2020

Presentation concerts of a new CD

10 solo piano recitals in Estonia – “Ever & Forever”
Presentation concerts of a new CD.

Composer and performer: Rannap

In program: 13 new piano pieces, accompanied by pre-recorded electronics and videos of Estonian nature.

Concerts in Tallinn, Tartu, Pärnu, Jõhvi, Viljandi, Võru, Paide, Rakvere, Rapla & Abja

Rein Rannap – album “Forever & Ever…”

“Ever & Forever”


New CD

“Ever & Forever” – Neo-romanticism on piano with electronics.

10 new piano pieces

Composer and performer: Rannap

“Kaitseingel” Rein Rannap

Performing at the Opening of WRC Rally Estonia

September 4th 2020


Rannap’s new arrangement of his song “Rahu” (“Peace”) for four solo singers.

Composer on piano

Live TV broadcast

Concert with Ott Lepland

August 21st 2020 – Sõru Jazz-Festival


Concert with Ott Lepland and his band at Sõru Jazz-Festival, Rannap’s songs.

Composer on piano

“Roostevaba maailm”

August 20th 2020
Tallinn Song Festival Grounds

Gala concert

Open air gala concert “Roostevaba maailm” (Stainless World)

Performers: Rannap on keyboards, ERSO (Estonian National Symphony Orchestra), rock band at Tallinn Song Festival Grounds.

In program: Rannap’s songs for his rock group Ruja
in Rannap’s new arrangements for piano (& Hammond organ) symphony orchestra and rock band.


“Laul katab maad”

December 13th – 29th 2019

Christmas CONCERT tour

13.12 Tallinn, Jaani church
15.12 Laitse Graniitvilla
17.12 Võru Culture Center Kannel
18.12 Aruküla Culture Center
19.12 Rapla church
20.12 Paide church
21.12 Rakvere Kolmainu church
22.12 Pärnu Concert House
25.12 Tallinn, Kaarli church
26.12 Tartu, Peetri church
29.12 Kuressaare, Laurentius’ church

Christmas tour “Laul katab maad” (The Song is Covering the Land)
with singers Birgit and Ott Lepland, and Silvia Ilves on violoncello.

Rannap on piano and church organ.

In program: Rannap’s songs and well-known Christmas songs, arranged by Rannap

Concert with Kristjan Kannukene

November 6th 2019
Keller Theatre, Tallinn


Concert with Kristjan Kannukene (vocal, viola, guitars)
in Keller Theatre, Tallinn

In program: Rannap & Kannukene

Concerto for Oboe and symphony orchestra (25’)

September 24th 2019
Pärnu Concert House


Premier of Rannap’s new Concerto for Oboe and symphony orchestra (25’)in Pärnu Concert House

Performers: Riivo Kallasmaa & Pärnu City Orchestra, conductor Kaspar Mänd

“Muinastulede öö”

August 30th 2019 – Pühajärve


“Muinastulede öö” concert with singer Ott Lepland at Pühajärve.

In program: Rannap’s songs

Must lind (Black Bird)

Solo piano recital in Rakvere

August 23rd 2019 – RAKVERE


Solo piano recital in Rakvere

In program: Rannap’s improvisational arrangements of his own songs and of well-known Estonian patriotic songs

Concert with Ott Lepland


August 20th 2019 – Toompea Castle Balcony

July 27th 2019 – Lighthouse Festival at Rannapungerja

July 19th 2019 – Ostrova Festival

August 20th

Concert with Ott Lepland at Toompea Castle Balcony.

July 27th

Concert with Ott Lepland and his band at Lighthouse Festival at Rannapungerja. In program: Rannap’s songs

July 19th

Concert with Ott Lepland and his band at Ostrova Festival. In program: Rannap’s songs

Ott Lepland and Rein Rannap
“Õhtunägemus” (Night Ghost)

Concert with singer Maarja-Liis Ilus

July 18th 2019 – courtyard near Tallinn


Concert with singer Maarja-Liis Ilus, in a courtyard near Tallinn

In program: Rannap’s songs

Concert with Kristjan Kannukene

July 13th 2019 – Kõima mansion in Pärnumaa


Concert with Kristjan Kannukene (vocal, viola, guitars)
at a mini-festival in a Kõima mansion in Pärnumaa, Estonia

In program: Rannap & Kannukene

Kristjan Kannukene & Rein Rannap – “Õhtunägemus”

Concert with Ott Lepland


May 25th 2019 – Käsmu

April 18th 2019 – Rõuge Culture Center

May 25th

Concert with Ott Lepland and his band in Käsmu
In program: Rannap’s songs

April 18th

Concert with singer Ott Lepland in Rõuge Culture Center. 
In program: Rannap’s songs


February 24th 2019 – Iceland’s Plaza in Tallinn


Open air concert “The Patterns of Time” at Iceland’s Plaza in Tallinn

Performers: Maarja-Liis Ilus, Ott Lepland, Kristjan Kannukene, choir Vox Populi.

In program: Rannap’s songs. Composer on piano.

Live TV coverage

new piano cycle “Corals” (8’)

February 11th 2019 – Kultuurikatel, Tallinn.


Premier of Rannap’s new piano cycle “Corals” (8’) in Kultuurikatel, Tallinn.

Composer on piano

„Kirju palli lend“

January 24th 2019 – Estonian Music Awards ceremony


Performing with Ott Lepland and his band a song „Kirju palli lend“
at an Estonian Music Awards ceremony, live TV coverage.


Presentation of a new CD “Tagasirändur”

Presentation concerts of a new CD

November 13th 2018 – Kutuurikatel, Tallinn

November 10th 2018 – Tartu Concert Hall

Concert with Ott Lepland and his band in Kutuurikatel, Tallinn
Presentation of a new CD “Tagasirändur” (Rannap’s songs in contemporary arrangements)

November 10th

Concert with singers Maarja and Ott Lepland and his band in Tartu Concert Hall
Presentation of a new CD “Tagasirändur” (Rannap’s songs in contemporary arrangements)

CD “Tagasirändur” (Traveler)



CD “Tagasirändur” (Traveler)

11 Rannap’s songs in contemporary arrangements

Performers: Ott Lepland, his band, and Rannap at keyboards

50 Years on a Big Stage”

September 29th 2018
Alexela Concert Hall in Tallinn

Gala concert

Gala concert “50 Years on a Big Stage” in Alexela Concert Hall in Tallinn

Celebrating Rannap’s 50 years in professional music
Composer and pianist: Rannap

Other performers: solo singers Maarja-Liis Ilus, Kadri Voorand, Lenna Kuurmaa, Tõnis Mägi, Ivo Linna, Ott Lepland, Marko Matvere, Kristjan Kannukene and Ikevald Rannap; Silvia Ilves (violoncello), Heigo Rosin (percussion), mixed choir Vox Populi, rock band, and others

“Õhtunägemus” (Night Ghost),
Tõnis Mägi
“Must lind” (Black Bird)
Kadri Voorand

From this concert was made a TV broadcasting

Set of 3 CDs in a series
„Eesti Kullafond“



Set of 3 CDs in a series „Eesti Kullafond“ (Treasures of Estonian Music)

Rannap’s 58 best songs throughout the years

new song “Force”

August 2018 –
Wind Orchestra of Estonian Police and Border Guard.

new song

Premier at a series of concerts and recording on a CD of Rannap’s new song “Force” (words: Indrek Hirv)
by different vocal soloists and the Wind Orchestra of Estonian Police and Border Guard.

Concert with Ott Lepland

July 21st 2018
Peipsi Romantika Festival


Concert with Ott Lepland and his band at the Peipsi Romantika Festival

In program: Rannap’s songs


July 8th 2018 – Kadrioru Palace


Piano duo 2onONE (Rannap with Mihkel Mattisen) performing in Kadrioru Palace three Rannap’s compositions for piano 4 hands.

Rannap & Mattisen
„Kosmoseturisti blogi”

Premier of a new cantata „Kuu“ and „Mari oli mammu“

June 29th 2018
Noblessner Tallinn Shipyard shipbuilding hangar


Concert in Noblessner Tallinn Shipyard shipbuilding hangar

Composer and pianist: Rannap

Other performers: chamber orchestra, mixed choir and Ott Lepland

Premier of a new cantata „Kuu“ (The Moon) (15’)
(for mixed choir, string orchestra and percussion),
on lyrics by Kristjan Jaak Peterson

Premier of a mixed choir composition „Mari oli mammu“ (Estonian folk poetry)

Also in program: Ave Maria (new arrangement for mixed choir and strings by composer), cantata „Sinu silmade sinimustvalge“ (The Blue-Black-White of Your Eyes) (new arrangement), „Ingliska“ – reworking of – Estonian folk melody and other Rannap’s works.

Presentation of a new CD
“Selfies with Classics”

April 19th 2018

Presentation concerts of a new CD

Presentation concert of a new solo piano CD “Selfies with Classics”

First Studio of ERR (Estonian National Broadcasting).

Live radio broadcasting

Composer on piano

new CD “Selfies with Classics”


New CD

CD “Selfies with Classics”: Rannap’s re-workings of well-known classical melodies

Composer on piano

“Bolero” Ravel/Rannap
“Swan” Saint-Saëns/Rannap
“Hungarian Dance Nr 5” Brahms/Rannap
Flight of the Bumblebee


rock opera Evil Island“

October 30th, 31st, November 1st 2017
Tallinn, Alexela Concert Hall

rock opera

Performances of Rannap’s rock opera „Evil Island“ in Tallinn, Alexela Concert Hall

“Eesti muld ja eesti Ruja”

August 20th 2017 – Tallinn Song Festival Grounds

Rock concert

Rock concert “Eesti muld ja eesti Ruja” (Estonian Soil and Estonian Ruja) at the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds

Performing: vocal soloists Kadri Voorand, Ott Lepland, Robert Linna, Priit Võigemast, Kristjan Kannukene; ensemble Estonian Voices, mixed choir, rock band and former members of the group Ruja(Ruja is the name of Rannap’s rock group, established 1971)

Composer, arranger, on piano and Hammond organ: Rannap

2-hour musical documentary movie Estonian Soil and Estonian Ruja has been made of this concert.

Set of 3 DVD-s: Estonian Soil and Estonian Ruja DVD

This movie and the concert’s video recording are available on a set of 3 DVD-s: Estonian Soil and Estonian Ruja DVD

Rannap: “Rahu” (Peace),
Ott Lepland
Rannap: “Nii vaikseks kõik on jäänud” (Everything has Become so Quiet)

rock opera Evil Island“

July 14th and 15th 2017
SAAREmaa Opera Festival in Kuressaare, Estonia


Premiers of Rannap’s rock opera “Nurjatu saar” / „Evil Island“ at Saaremaa Opera Festival in Kuressaare, Estonia

Performers: singers Lenna Kuurmaa, Kristel Aaslaid, Tõnis Mägi, Marko Matvere, Ott Lepland, Markus Teeäär, Bonzo; mens choir RAM, women’s choir Sireen, orchestra, rock band

Song and Dance Celebration

June 30th
July 1st
July 2nd 2017


June 30th-July 1st

Dance Celebration
In program also Rannap’s children’s song “Sügis” (Autumn)

July 2nd

Song Celebration
In program also two Rannap’s songs (in composer’s new arrangement):

Eesti muld ja eesti süda (Estonian Soil and Estonian Heart) – joint choir (420 choirs)

Õunalaul (Apple Song) – boys’ choirs


May 7th 2017
Nordischer Klang Festival


Piano solo recital in Greifswald at the Nordischer Klang Festival

Concert with singer Maarja-Liis Ilus

January 6th 2017 – Jõgeva Culture Centre


Concert with singer Maarja-Liis Ilus in Jõgeva Culture Centre

In program: Rannap’s songs


“Picture from an Exhibition” (50’)

NOVEMBER 12th 2016 – Piano Festival in Tallinn

Premier / CONCERT

Premier of Mussorgsky-Rannap “Picture from an Exhibition” (50’) by Estonian Piano-Orchestra
at Piano Festival in Tallinn

Reworking of whole Mussorgsky’s solo piano cycle for Estonian Piano-Orchestra – 8 pianists on 4 pianos

Video of this work starts at 24’52’’

China tour

  • August 19th – 28th 2016 – CHINA
  • August 30th 2016 – Dalian
  • September 3rd 2016 – Shanghai, Fairmont Peace Hotel Jazz Club

August 19th – 28th China tour, organized by Chinese Concert Agency Wu Promotion

Solo piano recitals.

In program: reworkings of well-known classical melodies and Rannap’s own piano pieces

19th  Tianjin, Tianjin Grand Theater – Concert Hall
21st  Xi’an, Xi’an Concert Hall
24th  Ha’erbin, Ha’erbin Grand Theater
26th  Chongqing, Chongqing Guotai Arts Center – Concert Hall
28th  Guangzhou, Guangzhou Opera House – MF Theater

August 30th  – solo piano recital in Dalian
September 3rd – solo piano recital in Shanghai, Fairmont Peace Hotel Jazz Club

Tour Forbidden Concert

August 9th – 14th 2016


Presentation concerts of the new CD “Forbidden!”
In program: Rannap’s early songs (1971-1973) for his group Ruja

Performers: singer Kristjan Kannukene, Rannap at keyboards, rock group

August 9th      Viinistu, Art museum courtyard
August 10th    Tartu, Hansa courtyard
August 11th    Pärnu, Ammende Villa courtyard
August 12th    Keila, Song Celebration Grounds
August 13th    Tallinn, Pada (Kultuurikatel’s courtyard)
August 14th    Vihula, manor garden

Delfi news.

A documentary film about this CD and concert tour (54 min).

NEW CD “Forbidden!”

July 2016


CD “Forbidden!” – Rannap’s early songs (1971-1973) for his rock group Ruja
The first rock album in Estonia – 43 years later
This album could have been the very first rock album in Estonia (and also in whole former Soviet Union),
if it would have been then allowed by government to record and publish
Performers: Kristjan Kannukene (vocals), Rannap at piano and Hammond organ, rock band

July 26th – open air concert with Maarja-Liis Ilus in open air near Tallinn (Rannap’s songs)

July 23rd  – open air concert with Maarja-Liis Ilus in Bastion Courtyard in Tallinn (Rannap’s songs)

July 8th – solo piano recital with program “Selfies with Classics” at Glasperlenspiel Festival in Tartu, in Jaani Church

July 6th – concert with singer Maarja-Liis Ilus at Õllesummer Festival in Tallinn (Rannap’s songs)


April 23rd -30th 2016 – Beijing, CHINA


5 performances in Beijing, China: 
solo piano, and with singer Maarja (Rannap’s songs)


April 9th 2016 – Tokyo, JAPAN


Solo piano recital in Tokyo

Premier – Concerto in Rock

March 10th 2016 – Tallinn Russian Culture Center


Premier of Concerto in Rock (40’) in three movements for rock group and symphony orchestra
in Tallinn Russian Culture Center

Composer on piano and Hammond organ, symphony orchestra, conductor Kaspar Mänd

Archive ERR “Ringvaade” (34 min)


Premier and concerts

November 19th and 20th  2015
House of the Blackheads, Tallinn


Christmas tour in Estonia with Kristjan Kannukene (vocal, guitars) and cello quartet C-Jam.
In program Rannap’s songs and Christmas songs

09.12 Viimsi church
12.12 Võru Culture Center Kannel
13.12 Türi Culture Center
15.12 Rakvere church
16.12 Tartu Pauluse church
17.12 Jõhvi church
19.12 Viljandi Pauluse church
20.12 Vihula manor
21.12 Pärnu theatre Endla
22.12 Kuressaare Laurentius’ church
23.12 Haapsalu Culture Center
26.12 Tallinn, Jaani church
27.12 Rapla church

Rannap: “Jõulukuul” (Christmas Month)
Christmas song

PREMIER „The Old Boot“ (15’)

December 2015


Premier of a new composition for children „The Old Boot“ (15’)
for a narrator, piano and string orchestra; text: Andrus Kivirähk

Performers: composer on piano and Tallinn Chamber Orchestra, conductor Risto Joost

Also in program: Saint-Saëns The Carnival of the Animals 
in Rannap’s arrangement for piano and strings

in the House of the Blackheads, Tallinn

This concert program will later be performed in several schools in Tallinn, in Estonian and Russian language

Concerts and premiers



Concerts with string quartet Precioso
In program:
Premier of Rannap’s new Quintet for piano and strings „Three Allegories“ (20’).
Premier of Rannap’s new work: Three Estonian Folk Songs for piano and strings (12’) Premier
Rannap: Chamber concerto for piano and strings (2008)
Rannap: String Quartet „Prodigal son“ (1993)

Composer on piano

October – November 2015


October 24th   Kuressaare Culture Center
October 29th   Tapa Culture Center
October 30th   Abja Culture Center
November 5th   Tartu, Vanemuine Concert Hall
November 10th  Tallinn, Estonia Concert Hall
November 11th  Jõhvi, Concert Hall
November 12th  Pärnu, Concert Hall
November 25th  St Petersburg (Russia), St John’s Church
November 29th  Käina Culture Center

Stuttgart, Germany

October 2nd 2015 – Stuttgart’s Jazz Club BIX, GERMANy


Solo piano recital at Stuttgart’s Jazz Club BIX

„Sound of Estonia“

August 21st 2015 – Põltsamaa castle yard


Concert in Põltsamaa castle yard
Premier of Rannap’s concert-overture for symphony orchestra „Sound of Estonia“
In program also Rannap’s songs and instrumental works for piano and orchestra

Performers: ERSO (Estonian State Symphony Orchestra), Maarja-Liis Ilus, composer on piano
Videorecording on DVD

„Wind Zither’s tune“

August 2015


Concert tour with Maarja-Liis Ilus – „Wind Zither’s tune“
In program Rannap’s songs

August 11th  Tartu, Hansa yard
August 12th  Vihula manor’s yard
August 13th  Ammende villa’s yard
August 14th  Kõue manor’s yard
August 15th  Kuressaare, Arensburg hotel’s terrace
August 16th  Haapsalu, castle yard

Concerto for harpsichord and strings (15’)

JULY 2015 – Estonian manors
July 19th 2015 – Võsu music festival
June 21st 2015 – SÕRU JAZZ festival, island Hiiumaa


Premier of Rannap’s new work – Concerto for harpsichord and strings (15’)

July 23rd Kõue manor
July 24th. Moe manor
July 25th Esna manor
July 26th Rogosi manor

Performers: Imbi Tarum and Corelli Consort

July 19th

Concert with Kristjan Kannukene (vocal, viola, guitars) at Võsu music festival

June 21st

Piano solo recital at Sõru jazz festival (island Hiiumaa, Estonia)


June 2015 – moscow


Piano solo recitals in Moscow

June 14th  Alexei Kozlov jazz club
June 15th  Muraviev-Apostol estate
June 16th  Great hall of the Library for Foreign Literature
June 17th  Igor Butman jazz club
June 18th  Jazz club Essay

Concert in Alexei Kozlov jazz club

Ballad for solo violoncello (5’)



Rannap’s new work Ballad for solo violoncello (5’)
Estonian competition for string players

Required work for violoncello

Ballad, performed by Silvia Ilves



november 2014 – CHINA


Piano solo recitals, in program: Rannap and his reworkings of classical melodies

November 7th  Beijing, National Library Concert Hall
November 8th  Jinan, Lishan Theater
November 12thShanghai, Shanghai City Theater
November 13th Guangzhou, Xinghai Concert Hall

Selfies with Classics

October 23rd 2014 – House of the Blackheads, Tallinn
October 24th 2014 – Ülemiste Shopping Center, Tallinn


October 23rd     

Piano solo recital in House of the Blackheads, Tallinn
In program: Selfies with Classics

October 24th

Piano solo recital at the opening celebration of the Ülemiste Shopping Center, Tallinn

Selfies with Classics



October 5th

Piano solo recital in Estonian Embassy in Moscow

October 6th

Great Hall of the Composers Union, Moscow
Piano Concerto (2012) (composer’s new arrangement for piano and strings)

Performers: Rannap and the Seasons-orchestra

October 7th

Gala Concert of the festival Seasons
Great Hall of the Gnessin Institute, Moscow
In program: Rannap’s piano pieces